Togakushi Shrine Zuishinmon

The famous mystical power central! “Togakushi Shrine” This shrine was developed as the base for the mountain worship towards Mt. Togakushi. It used to be a temple that assembled a number of pilgrims’ lodgings, and was turned into a Shinto shrine that is deeply associated with deities from the myth of “Opening of Amanoiwato” and was worshiped by many people, after the Meiji period. It consists of five buildings, each named Okusha, Chusha, Hokosha, Kuzuryusha and Hinomikosha.

Guarded by a pair of lion-dogs, the Zuishinmon gate stands in the substantially intermediate point of the approach to Okusha. The promenade from Togakushi Forest Botanical Garden also meets the approach at this point.

Address Togakushi Nagano-shi Phone Number Chusha Shrine Office
Website MAPCODE * 1004 008 859*40
Access Approx. 30 to 35 km away from Suzaka Nagano Higashi IC, or 60 to 70 min. ride on the bus to "Togakushi Campground" from JR Nagano station get off at “Okusha Iriguchi”
Parking Okusha approach (toll parking): Approx. 100 cars near the entrance (Space for Large buses available)
Hours Holiday

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