Kid’s Ninja Village

Togakushi is the homeland of the Togakure-ryu-style Ninja, who was active behind the scenes of history during the Sengoku (warring states) period.
“Kid’s Ninja Village” is a Ninja-themed amusement park equipped with various attractions everyone from kids to Adult can enjoy.

Address 3193 Togakushi Nagano-shi
zip code: 381-4101
Phone Number +81-26-254-3723
Website MAPCODE * 382 866 298*20
Access Approx. 1 hour on the local bus to “Togakushi Campground” from JR Nagano station. Get off at “Chushamiyamae” stop and walk for 20 min.
1 hour drive from Nagano IC or 40 min. from Shinanomachi IC.
Parking 80 cars
Hours Late April to Late November
Village opens at 9:00, closes at 17:00.
Holiday Thursdays (except mid July to the end of August. Open throughout summer vacation)
Price Kozaru Tickets (entrance only): Elementary school students and older 500 yen, infants (4 to 6 y.o.) 230 yen
Sarutobi Tickets (entrance and 6 facility use tickets): Elementary school students and older 1,850 yen, infants 1,630 yen.
Remarks / Supplementary Note Credit Card : VISA/MASTER/JCB/AMEX/DINERS/銀聯

QR Code Payment : paypay/LINE Pay/AliPay/WechatPay
         *Entrance Tickets Only

* "マップコード" and "MAPCODE" are registered trademarks of DENSO.