Patio Daimon

In order to preserve the scenery of the Zenkoji town, old store houses and merchant houses in the neighborhood are utilized and rearranged into restaurants and unique stores to form a new commercial facility named “Kuraniwa Patio Daimon”. Visitors can take a little break during their strolling in town on a bench under shade of trees or in a cafe.

Address 54 Naganodaimon-cho Nagano-shi, Nagano
zip code: 381-0000
Phone Number Nagano Town Management Organization Co., Ltd.
Website MAPCODE * 54 247 296*40
Access Approx. 20 min. walk from JR Nagano station.
Parking Designated parking space available.
20 minutes free parking ticket provided for the shoppers of Patio Daimon (exclude some stores).
Hours Differs by stores. Holiday

* "マップコード" and "MAPCODE" are registered trademarks of DENSO.